Immune System

September 19, 2018

Are You Low In Zinc?

Zinc is one of our most important minerals yet it is one of the most common deficiencies that we can have. Without enough zinc we can have more inflammation, diarrhea, a lower immune system and we are at increased risk of developing cancer.
September 12, 2018

A Natural Way to Boost Your Immune System

Written by Dr Sandra Miranda, ND   Now that we are back to our regular routines and the kids are back to school, we start getting […]
May 1, 2018

The 10 Characteristics of Cancer Survivors

Although your doctor may not talk about it freely, spontaneous remissions or so called “miracles” do occur. In fact thousands of cases have been reported in […]
October 19, 2016

How To Choose Your Supplements Wisely

Food is the best way to get all your nutrients. However, in the rushed world that we live in, you may find yourself not taking in all the nutrients that you need from your diet. If you are not sure what supplements to take, please ask your naturopathic doctor for guidance. This is specially important if you are currently pregnant, breastfeeding or taking any medication. You want to make sure the supplement will not interact with what you are currently taking.
February 12, 2016

75% Of People In North America Are Deficient In Vitamin D! Are you?

Recent studies show that in order to receive the best levels of protection our blood vitamin D levels should be about 120-200 nmol/l. I personally don’t like to recommend cod liver oil as a vitamin D supplement because it also contain Vitamin A and too much vitamin A taken for long periods of time can cause health problems. Some foods that contain vitamin D include: canned sardines, salmon, tuna, shrimp, butter, sunflower seeds, liver, eggs, mushroom.
January 18, 2016

What To Eat For A Healthy Thyroid

Thyroid is a gland that has been largely misunderstood. Unfortunately, many women and men have their thyroid gland not functioning optimally and they are experiencing symptoms from it. Here are some tips of what you can start doing with your nutrition in order to improve it.