
August 1, 2018

Are Your Hormones Driving You Crazy?

Written By Dr. Sandra Miranda, ND. Almost everyone over the age of 40 (and sometimes even 30) begin to experience symptoms of hormonal imbalances.  This can […]
July 25, 2018

Suffering with Heavy Periods and Cramps? Maybe it is Time for a Detox

Written by Sandra Miranda, ND What do heavy periods, cramps, PMS, fibroids, endometriosis and ovarian cysts have in common? They can all come from an estrogen […]
December 19, 2015

Tips To Get Rid Of Your Sugar Cravings For Good

Sugar is the number one craving in our society. There is a big difference between just liking sweets and craving sweets, and if you are one of them, you know what I mean!! If you are hooked, then it can be hard to stop but not impossible. Sugar contributes to serious short and long term health problems like obesity, hormonal imbalances, yeast infections, bloating, diabetes and even cancer. There can be some real physical imbalances that can make you crave the sugar such as insulin resistance, candida overgrowth, different hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, stress or fatigue. Once you find out the root cause of why you are hooked on sugar then you can determine which of the following tips will best help you.
October 27, 2015

Check your risk for Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Breast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer in women in Canada. On average, 62 Canadian women are diagnosed and 14 Canadian women die with breast cancer every day. Many of these cancers are estrogen positive. Estrogens are broken down in the liver. These breakdown byproducts are called metabolites.