Written by Dr Sandra Miranda, ND
Have you ever seen a family member, neighbour, or family friend who never seems to age? This individual just seems to skate through life as though time stood still. Every time you see them, you cannot help but comment on how this person has not changed one bit.
Do you think that aging gracefully is something that you are genetically predisposed to or is it something that is available to just a lucky few?
Well, perhaps this was true many decades ago, but today we know better. There certainly are ways to age gracefully, and the choice is ours. My goal with my patients is to get them to a place where they are nutritionally and hormonally balanced. Yes, and with this, aging is not a devastating and crippling problem. Don’t buy into the aging excuse, we have the science and the knowledge to know how to support our bodies now.
The Physical Body
It makes sense that if you take care of your physical body now, it will take care of you later. If you eat properly, exercise, and get enough fresh air and sunshine, you will more than likely be healthier as you age. Staying hydrated at all times are essential to feeling your optimum best as well.
Your physical body is like a building that houses your being. You are responsible for what comes into that building. Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine”. Eating right is the perfect way to protect yourself from the pitfalls of aging.
Everything from your eyesight to your muscles and joints will respond to the natural course of aging. However, the more positive input such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, the better chance you give that physical body of aging gracefully.
The Spiritual Body
Just about every individual has some type of spirituality – not necessarily a religion, but a spiritual point of view. For example, doing the right thing, helping others, being part of a family and a community are all spiritual habits – in short, living a life with purpose!
Taking part in being a spiritual being is an excellent way to stay in touch with and give back to your community. It provides many health benefits as well. Just because you are aging or have aged, does not mean that you are not still a vital part of a community.
If you continue to reach out to others, especially as you age, you will be the definition of aging gracefully.
The Mental Body
How vital and vibrant your mind is depends on how you treat it as you age. If you fill your head with negative talk, negative news or surround yourself with negative situations and individuals, your body and your aging process will show this.
If you keep a positive attitude, read daily, keep abreast of positive news in your community and around the world, and stimulate your mind with puzzles and games, you will find that your mind will age better – and you will feel better as a result.