Health Tips

November 12, 2015

Top Ten Tips for a Comfortable Sleep

At Miranda Naturopathic Clinic, we are often told by our patients that symptoms may be worse in the morning, or that finding a comfortable position in which to sleep due to complaint X is challenging or difficult. Many conditions can potentially be aggravated by improper positioning during sleep; for example, neck pain and headaches, shoulder pain, or lower back/pelvic pain. Yet, a good night’s sleep is essential in order to allow healing and recovery to occur!
October 27, 2015

3 Biggest Mistakes That Keep you Feeling Tired

We always think of the winter months as a time when we are going to feel tired and get sick more often. But does it really have to be like that? It is normal to get sick a couple of times per year, it helps us develop certain antibodies that are healthy for us in the long run. The problem is when it takes us a long time to recover or when we get more than two colds per year. In our clinic we see many patients that suffer from a weakened immune system.
October 27, 2015

Antibiotic Overuse

Depending on the time of year, up to 17% to 21% of all prescriptions given are antibiotics. Now, there is no question that antibiotics can save lives. Unfortunately, there are many instances that these powerful medications are used at times that are unnecessary or not indicated. The misuse of antibiotics can cause drug-resistant germs. If you think this can’t happen to you, then think again. It is a global health concern.
October 27, 2015

Vitamin D Deficiency – A Major Epidemic!

It is a common health problem. Vitamin D deficiency can cause accelerated bone loss, increased fractures in the elderly, increased risk to catch the flu and other infections and an increased risk of developing cancer and certain autoimmune diseases. Recently, researchers have confirmed a new definition of what is considered Vitamin D deficiency.
October 27, 2015

Don’t Forget Your Flax Seeds

At our clinic, we love to recommend patients to have ground flax seeds daily. Flax seeds are high in lignans and alpha linolenic acid (ALA) which are considered natural cancer-protective compounds. They are also high in fibre promoting regular bowel movement and therefore, beneficial in the fight of colon cancer. Even though whole flax seeds have a higher fibre content, the ground flax seeds are easier to digest and the one that works best.
October 27, 2015

Keeping your Bones Strong as you Age

November is Osteoporosis month. The International Osteoporosis Foundation states that approximately 1.4 million Canadians, mainly postmenopausal women and the elderly are affected by osteoporosis. A simple calculation can help you determine your chances of developing osteoporosis without the need of a bone density scan.