Written by Dr. Sandra Miranda, ND
Most of you know by now that the health of our gut is the root cause of many other health problems. It is evident that you in trouble if you don’t have a bowel movement every day but you can’t be guaranteed to have a healthy digestive tract just because you are going to the bathroom daily. I get asked all the time what is a better of flushing our gut: an enema or a colonic. Here is what you should consider:
Enemas and colonics are based on the same basic principle: both are methods where water is used to flush waste from the colon via a speculum.
During an enema however, water only travels approximately 6 to 8 inches up the colon, is held briefly, and almost immediately expelled. It is more uncomfortable and because it is a self-administration method, it is harder for the person to feel relaxed during the procedure.
Colonics tend to be more soothing and thorough. Water entering the body travels through the colon and exits into the waste tube in a continuous flow. In this way, water is able to travel the entire length of the colon (approximately 5 feet), reaching all the way to the cecum, the farthermost region of the colon where waste matter and parasites typically settle. There are no messes or offensive odours during the procedure.
What are the advantages of colonics vs enemas?
- Because water flows continuously in and out of the body, a much greater quantity of water is flushed through the colon. This allows water to completely permeate the folds of the colon and to saturate the impacted waste throughout the entire length of the colon. This waste does not get eliminated just by having daily bowel movements.
- Water filling the space within the colon exerts a slight pressure against the muscle tissue of the colon wall, stimulating muscle action (peristalsis) which provides exercise for the colon muscle, helping to tone and reshape a weakened colon. This increases your chances of having more complete bowel movements on your own after your colonic.
- The therapist is the one responsible for administering the colonic, allowing the patient to receive the treatment to remain relaxed and comfortable without concern for the mechanical aspects of the procedure.
Patients who benefit the most from colonics are those who are suffering from:
- Constipation / gas / bloating
- Diarrhea
- Excessive use of laxatives
- Leaky Gut Syndrome
- Atonic (Sluggish) colon
- Colitis / Crohn’s disease
- Spastic colon / IBS
- Diverticulosis
- Liver congestion / toxicity
- Difficulty losing weight
- Bad Breath and coated tongue
- Body odour
- Hemorrhoids
- Parasites & Candida overgrowth
- Fatigue & Foggy Thinking
- Headaches
- Skin Problems such as Acne, Eczema or Psoriasis
- Asthma & Allergies
- Dark Circles under eyes
- Depression & Anxiety
Click here to learn more about the history on colonics throughout the years.