Written by Dr. Sandra Miranda, ND

Feeling aimless or unproductive? Feeling unexpectedly tired? We’ve all had a lot to adjust to in these last several weeks, and if you are like most people with whom I have talked to lately, you are not where you expected you would be after slowing down the frenetic pace of life we all had been leading. In fact, you may even feel like you gained a few extra pounds and feel more vulnerable to illness than you did at the outset of all of this. 

Here are 3 tips that can help you change this feeling quickly:

  • Attain a small exercise goal.  You can choose 15 minutes of yoga and 15 minutes walking outside with the family daily.
  • Resist (resist hard) the urge to look at your phone or social media within the first 60 minutes after waking up. 
  • Take that time to make your bed, shower, have breakfast and then journal.  Write down a list of 2 things that you would like to get accomplished that day.  This will automatically help you feel more organized.

There are just small changes that can make a big difference on how we feel at the end of our day.  In the long run, it will help our state of mind too.

Here is YOUR call to action:  Commit to trying all 3 tips for the next 3 days and see how you feel.