The Best Pillow For A Good Night Sleep
Over my 20 plus years as a chiropractor, I have been asked many times about what type of pillow is best... that is a tough question to answer. But here is what I know: Good quality sleep is...
Diagnosed With Cancer? Improve Your Chances With Mistletoe
Mistletoe AKA viscum album has a long history (over 2,000 years) of safe use in traditional medicine. It grows on oak trees which are considered sacred in many cultures. Although mistletoe is...
Dietary Guidelines for Cancer
The following nutritional guidelines are general recommendations for patients with active cancer. The closer adherence to this protocol, the stronger the immune system will become. The human...
The 10 Characteristics of Cancer Survivors
Although your doctor may not talk about it freely, spontaneous remissions or so called “miracles” do occur. In fact thousands of cases have been reported in several books such as the Spontaneous...
Is Your Food Causing Your Joints To Ache?
Did you know that the foods that you eat can be causing inflammation and chronic pain in your body? If you have chronic pain that has been unresolved with mainstream therapy then you may want to...
Cold and Achy? Warm up with a relaxing and soothing Epsom Salt Bath!
You probably have a box of Epsom Salts in your house, but never use them... they are probably there because your Grandma bought them for you once when you were sick. Well, Grandma was right! A...
I’m Back from My Trip with Lots to Share!
Hello, As some of you may know, I am back from my cancer conference in Arizona and guess what! It snowed!! I know… I was ready with my sunscreen and bathing suit and hoped that I would come back...
Get Rid Of Sugar Cravings
Sugar is the number one craving in our society. There is a big difference between just liking sweets and craving sweets, and if you are one of them, you know what I mean!! If you are hooked, then...
Raising Your Health Standards In The New Year
The New Year is upon us. How many New Year’s resolutions did you have this time? How many times have you told yourself what you “should” do? I should lose weight. I should stop eating sugar I...
Miranda Naturopathic Clinic
467 Westney Rd S, Unit 10, Ajax, ON, Canada
Clinic Hours
Tuesday – Thursday
9AM – 7 PM
9AM – 3 PM
Saturday – Sunday