Is Your Teenager Not Eating Well?
Teenagers’ bodies go through many changes and they need a balanced amount of vitamin and minerals. Our ability to maintain health in the future is many times dependent on our nutrition during these important teenage years. Consider the following examples: We are more likely going to develop osteoporosis in later years unless we take a good amount of calcium, magnesium, Vitamin D and other minerals during our teenage years.
How To Choose Your Supplements Wisely
Food is the best way to get all your nutrients. However, in the rushed world that we live in, you may find yourself not taking in all the nutrients that you need from your diet.
If you are not sure what supplements to take, please ask your naturopathic doctor for guidance. This is specially important if you are currently pregnant, breastfeeding or taking any medication. You want to make sure the supplement will not interact with what you are currently taking.
How To Choose A Calcium Supplement?
Look for a supplement that has the following combinations of vitamins and minerals: calcium, magnesium, Boron, and Vitamin D; and if possible even Manganese, Zinc and Vitamin K. You don’t have to buy all of these separately. You want to look for a product that ideally has all of them together. You can check with your local health food store and if you are not sure, then feel free to call us. We will be happy to help you choosing a good product.
Weak Bones? Are You At Risk?
Studies show that eating a diet higher in fruits and vegetables (especially the green leafy vegetables) decreases bone loss. This is probably because it helps you to keep alkaline. You can check the ph of your urine to see if you are acidic or alkaline. You want to ideally measure >6.8. (If you can’t find urine pH strips at the pharmacy, let us know because we have them at the clinic). The best times to check your pH levels seems to be on waking, 10am and/or 4pm.
Top 3 Tips To Keep Healthy In The Summer Months
Most of us can’t wait for the summer months because it means warmer weather and more time outdoors – well hopefully more time outdoors… However, many people need to be careful with the too much sun and heat exposure. The following are the top 3 tips to keep in mind… The goal is to recharge during the summer months. Remember that if you are not feeling great towards mid or late August, call us for an IV vitamin treatment which can offer you a great boost to your energy and immune system.
Preventing Breast Cancer
FACT – 1 in every 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime
FACT – Yearly mammograms reduce the death rate by 30% in women over 50 years old because of early cancer detection BUT the same yearly mammograms increase death rates by 50% in women under 50 years old because of the accumulation of radiation toxicity.
Are Your Hormones Driving You Crazy?
BHRT refer to hormones that are identical to the ones that we naturally have in our bodies. These natural hormones are very different to the synthetic hormones normally used in conventional medicine and therefore, they don’t have the same side effects. Conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is composed of synthetic estrogen (oral estrone) and synthetic progesterone (progestin) and they carry unacceptable risks of breast cancer, heart attacks and strokes. The use of bioidentical hormones in dosages that restore normal physiological levels are safe and even protective against many diseases.
75% Of People In North America Are Deficient In Vitamin D! Are you?
Recent studies show that in order to receive the best levels of protection our blood vitamin D levels should be about 120-200 nmol/l. I personally don’t like to recommend cod liver oil as a vitamin D supplement because it also contain Vitamin A and too much vitamin A taken for long periods of time can cause health problems. Some foods that contain vitamin D include: canned sardines, salmon, tuna, shrimp, butter, sunflower seeds, liver, eggs, mushroom.
Great Health Tips and Info during Dr Miranda’s TV interview
Enjoy these 2 segments with informative discussion on how to boost up your immune system this winter, on bio-identical hormone, thyroid health and more!
Miranda Naturopathic Clinic
467 Westney Rd S, Unit 10, Ajax, ON, Canada
Clinic Hours
Tuesday – Thursday
9AM – 7 PM
9AM – 3 PM
Saturday – Sunday