What To Eat For A Healthy Thyroid
Thyroid is a gland that has been largely misunderstood. Unfortunately, many women and men have their thyroid gland not functioning optimally and they are experiencing symptoms from it. Here are some tips of what you can start doing with your nutrition in order to improve it.
Should You Worry About Wheat Or Gluten?
Diets that are gluten free or wheat free are becoming a lot more popular nowadays. Are these recommendations just a fad or is there some truth to them?
What I am certain of is that in my practice I see many different types of health problems improving when patient’s stop eating gluten such as, bloating and gassiness, constipation or diarrhea, skin rashes, foggy thinking and fatigue, and even hyperactivity in ADHD kids. I even had one patient’s hot flashes significantly decrease when she stopped eating bread. These are patients who are not celiac and still feel better when they are off gluten- and it may not be 100% off but at least 90% off.
Tips To Get Rid Of Your Sugar Cravings For Good
Sugar is the number one craving in our society. There is a big difference between just liking sweets and craving sweets, and if you are one of them, you know what I mean!! If you are hooked, then it can be hard to stop but not impossible. Sugar contributes to serious short and long term health problems like obesity, hormonal imbalances, yeast infections, bloating, diabetes and even cancer. There can be some real physical imbalances that can make you crave the sugar such as insulin resistance, candida overgrowth, different hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, stress or fatigue. Once you find out the root cause of why you are hooked on sugar then you can determine which of the following tips will best help you.
10 Tips To Keep Healthy During The Holidays
We all look forward to the holiday season because it is a time when we get some time off, celebrate life and get together with family and friends who we haven’t seen for so long. But have you ever worried about how to avoid eating too much unhealthy foods and gaining weight during these celebrations? For many the holidays equals a weight gain of at least 5-7 lbs. It doesn’t have to be this way. Here are some tips that you can follow over the next few weeks:
Don’t Get Sick With The Flu This Winter
The changes in the leaves and the drop in temperatures are signal to me that it is time to boost up our immune system. The main job of our immune system is to defend our body from infections – whether that is a simple virus, bacteria or fungus. There has already been a number of patients coming in with colds, flus, sinusitis or bronchitis this year. This doesn’t have to be you. Here are some of my favorite tips to stay healthy during the winter:
Four Reasons Why You Are Anxious And Can’t Sleep At Night
Last year an important cohort study published in the UK in the BMJ was released. It stated that people taking anti-anxiety drugs and sleeping pills significantly increase their chance of dying. The participants were followed over a period of 7 years and they ranged from 16 years old and older. So what does this mean to the millions of people who suffer from anxiety and insomnia who take these medications?
Top Ten Tips for a Comfortable Sleep
At Miranda Naturopathic Clinic, we are often told by our patients that symptoms may be worse in the morning, or that finding a comfortable position in which to sleep due to complaint X is challenging or difficult. Many conditions can potentially be aggravated by improper positioning during sleep; for example, neck pain and headaches, shoulder pain, or lower back/pelvic pain. Yet, a good night’s sleep is essential in order to allow healing and recovery to occur!
3 Biggest Mistakes That Keep you Feeling Tired
We always think of the winter months as a time when we are going to feel tired and get sick more often. But does it really have to be like that? It is normal to get sick a couple of times per year, it helps us develop certain antibodies that are healthy for us in the long run. The problem is when it takes us a long time to recover or when we get more than two colds per year.
In our clinic we see many patients that suffer from a weakened immune system.
Antibiotic Overuse
Depending on the time of year, up to 17% to 21% of all prescriptions given are antibiotics. Now, there is no question that antibiotics can save lives. Unfortunately, there are many instances that these powerful medications are used at times that are unnecessary or not indicated. The misuse of antibiotics can cause drug-resistant germs. If you think this can’t happen to you, then think again. It is a global health concern.
Miranda Naturopathic Clinic
467 Westney Rd S, Unit 10, Ajax, ON, Canada
Clinic Hours
Tuesday – Thursday
9AM – 7 PM
9AM – 3 PM
Saturday – Sunday