FACT – 1 in every 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime
FACT – Yearly mammograms reduce the death rate by 30% in women over 50 years old because of early cancer detection BUT the same yearly mammograms increase death rates by 50% in women under 50 years old because of the accumulation of radiation toxicity.
I am happy to announce we will be having a Thermography Clinic day at the clinic.
FOR WHO – for any woman wanting to prevent Breast Cancer. Women under 50 yrs old can most benefit from thermography because breast cancers tend to grow faster in this age group.
WHEN – Friday, June 17th, 2016 – from 9am to 4pm
WHERE – Miranda Naturopathic Clinic – 467 Westney Rd South in Ajax.
During breast thermography, a highly advanced digital infrared camera and computer measure temperatures radiating from breast tissue and adjacent areas. It is an excellent test to evaluate the health of your breast tissue without the use of any radiation. Thermography has the ability to detect problem areas in the breast up to 10 years prior to developing a tumour. I highly recommend it.
Please share this email to any friend or loved one who may be interested in preventing Breast Cancer.
To book an appointment or if you have any questions about this test, contact us at 905-239-3900.