
August 15, 2018

The Perfect Pasta For Gut Health

Written by: Florence Caie,CNP Holistic Nutritionist, Live Blood Cell Analyst and Colonic Hydrotherapist This nutritious healing salad is made with chickpea and lentil pasta spirals. An excellent […]
February 8, 2018

Did You Overindulge Over The Past Few Weeks? Then You Want To Read This!

Now that we started the New Year, we are all left with the effects of our Christmas sins.  Many of us have overindulged with those high […]
January 9, 2016

Should You Worry About Wheat Or Gluten?

Diets that are gluten free or wheat free are becoming a lot more popular nowadays. Are these recommendations just a fad or is there some truth to them? What I am certain of is that in my practice I see many different types of health problems improving when patient’s stop eating gluten such as, bloating and gassiness, constipation or diarrhea, skin rashes, foggy thinking and fatigue, and even hyperactivity in ADHD kids. I even had one patient’s hot flashes significantly decrease when she stopped eating bread. These are patients who are not celiac and still feel better when they are off gluten- and it may not be 100% off but at least 90% off.