
August 31, 2016

Weak Bones? Are You At Risk?

Studies show that eating a diet higher in fruits and vegetables (especially the green leafy vegetables) decreases bone loss. This is probably because it helps you to keep alkaline. You can check the ph of your urine to see if you are acidic or alkaline. You want to ideally measure >6.8. (If you can’t find urine pH strips at the pharmacy, let us know because we have them at the clinic). The best times to check your pH levels seems to be on waking, 10am and/or 4pm.
April 21, 2016

Are Your Hormones Driving You Crazy?

BHRT refer to hormones that are identical to the ones that we naturally have in our bodies. These natural hormones are very different to the synthetic hormones normally used in conventional medicine and therefore, they don’t have the same side effects. Conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is composed of synthetic estrogen (oral estrone) and synthetic progesterone (progestin) and they carry unacceptable risks of breast cancer, heart attacks and strokes. The use of bioidentical hormones in dosages that restore normal physiological levels are safe and even protective against many diseases.