Meet Our Team

Dr. Enid Kennedy, DC

Hi! My name is Dr. Enid Kennedy, DC, CMRP.

In my early 20’s I was in a car accident – a friend suggested I see a chiropractor. That initial visit changed the course of my life!

I have been practising for more than 26 years and I sincerely enjoy meeting new patients and being a part of their journey to wellness.

Over the years, my practice has evolved as I learned new techniques with which to help my patients. In late 2015, I attended an introductory seminar with Dr. George Roth, DC, ND – the founder of Matrix Repatterning. I couldn’t believe it! I was hooked! I had to learn more about this break-through, science-based technique. Matrix Repatterning uniquely assesses the electrical system of the body, where science has clearly shown that conductivity is altered by injury and strain, thus producing a primary restriction. These primary restrictions create mechanical tension that is transmitted through the extra-cellular matrix to many other areas, causing symptoms in other parts of the body.

To illustrate what this means, notice how clenching your fists can increase tension in your neck and shoulders. In this manner, injuries sustained over your lifetime, create layers of tension in your body, resulting in strain, pain, restricted mobility and other health issues.

Since becoming a Certified Matrix Repatterning Practitioner (CMRP) in 2017, I have focused my practice on Matrix Repatterning- and I love it!

In addition to my practice here at Miranda Naturopathic Clinic, I continue to expand my understanding of Matrix Repatterning by working with Dr. Roth once a week at his Markham practice. I am also involved with coaching other practitioners through the education process.

I fell in love with this treatment modality because it is a gentle, hands-on treatment with an amazing ability to offer long term benefits to patients with recurring symptoms, chronic pain, and post concussion syndrome, even after only a few treatments.

Currently, I love to treat patients with conditions which have not responded favourably to other conventional therapies including neck, shoulder and upper back pain, low back pain, arthritis, scoliosis, sciatica, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, hip, knee and ankle pain, among others.

To watch a video where Dr. Roth, to see how Matrix Repatterning works and what to expect from a Matrix Repatterning assessment and treatment.

I look forward to meeting you!

    Our Team

    Dr. Sandra Miranda , ND

    Naturopathic Doctor

    Dr. Enid Kennedy, DC

    Chiropractic Doctor-Matrix Practitioner

    Stephanie Ponton

    IV therapist

    Hollace Burnett-Simmonds

    Certified Colon Hydrotherapist

    Colleen Smith

    Certified Colon Hydrotherapist

    Ruby Richards

    Front Office Manager

    Miranda Naturopathic Clinic


    467 Westney Rd S, Unit 10, Ajax, ON, Canada

    Clinic Hours



    Tuesday – Thursday

    9AM – 7 PM


    9AM – 3 PM

    Saturday – Sunday



    (905) 239-3900

    Fax (905) 239-3904