Written by Florence Caie,
Holistic Nutritionist & Cert. Colon Therapist
Want to lose weight without reaching for calorie loaded snacks? Then consuming more fibre will help you to feel full without resorting to snacking and preventing you from shedding those pounds. Also, adding fibre has the added bonus of acting like a broom to your gut promoting regular bowel eliminations moving undigested foods and stored toxins that make you feel sluggish. Fibre helps your digestion by reducing bloating and constipation and in many cases reducing the need for laxatives.
Here are 6 suggestions for promoting weight loss by adding more fibre into your daily routine:
- Start your day with a high fibre cereal such as 1 cup of cooked plain oatmeal then sprinkling on 2 tbs. of slivered almonds which are also high in fibre, calcium and nourishing good fats. Adding berries such as blueberries to your cereal is an added plus as they are low in calories, and high in fibre because of their seeds and skin.
- For a high protein and high fibre snack, try putting 2 tbs. of hemp hearts, in a tub of unsweetened apple sauce, or, they can be sprinkled on salads. Good for vegans.
- Eat more legumes. Beans being a whole food, are high in protein and fibre and very, very filling as they slow the rate that the stomach empties making you feel fuller for much longer. Try putting ½ cup of either chick peas, black beans, or kidney beans in your lunchtime salad. Make a pot of red lentil soup, delicious and quick to make using lots of garlic, cumin and my all time favourite smoked paprika. And, that all time favourite, hummus; start using low calorie vegetables such as cucumber, snow peas and zucchini spears for dipping instead of crackers. Remember to wash veggies thoroughly and leave their skins on.
- Lecithin granules for fat loss. These tiny yellow granules contain choline, a substance which is a major fat burner. Lecithin has been proven to reduce the “bad” LDL cholesterol and increase the “good” HDL cholesterol. Sprinkle 2 heaping tablespoons in your salads. Found in the fridge at your local health food store look for lecithin from sunflower seeds.
- Try snacking on pumpkin seeds which are very high in fibre, protein and zinc which helps with improving your metabolism so you can burn more calories efficiently to lose weight. For a nourishing snack, have a granny smith apple and a handful of pumpkin seeds.
- Keto friendly coconut chips are excellent for a snack being very high in the good fats and fibre. For the adventurous out there try cracking a whole coconut and removing the meat and grating it into thin chips, and then baked. Alternatively unsweetened coconut chips can be found in health food stores ready for you to enjoy. Delicious!
Kick start your weight loss program by getting a series of colonics. A colonic can make you feel pounds lighter by removing built-up fecal matter and undigested foods making for a sluggish colon holding on to unwanted waste resulting in lack of energy. Check out our website www.colonicsclinic.com for more information.
Schedule, a FREE “Meet and Greet” appointment with Florence Caie to learn more about colonics or how to improve your nutrition for better digestive health.
Call the Miranda Naturopathic Clinic today at 905-239-3900