Candida – Yeast Overgrowth

Candida – Yeast Overgrowth

Written by: Dr. Sandra Miranda, BSc, ND Do you “feel sick all over”- yet all your test results come back as normal. You may be suffering from “yeast overgrowth”. Candida albicans is a yeast normally found living harmoniously in everybody’s intestinal tract (and...
A Natural Way to Boost Your Immune System

A Natural Way to Boost Your Immune System

Written by Dr Sandra Miranda, ND   Now that we are back to our regular routines and the kids are back to school, we start getting ready for the winter season.  You know what this means… colds and flus! So I want to take this opportunity to talk to you about the...
Vitamin D Deficiency – A Major Epidemic!

Vitamin D Deficiency – A Major Epidemic!

Written by Dr. Sandra Miranda, ND Vitamin D Deficiency occurs in up to 40 to 50% of the population. It is a common health problem.  Vitamin D deficiency can cause accelerated bone loss, increased fractures in the elderly, increased risk to catch the flu and other...
Do you Catch colds often?

Do you Catch colds often?

Written by Dr. Nicole McCulloch, ND We often think about the immune system this time of year when colds and flus are becoming more apparent. I often get patients ask me, “Is my immune system as good as it could be?” This is not a simple yes or no answer. We know many...