Can Estrogen Help Your Memory Loss

Can Estrogen Help Your Memory Loss

Written by Dr. Sandra Miranda, ND Is your memory failing you? Do you walk into a room and forget why you went there? Are those darn keys never where you thought you left them? Have you even asked yourself if you are developing Alzheimer’s or dementia? If you answered...
Is Menopause A Hormone Deficiency Disease?

Is Menopause A Hormone Deficiency Disease?

Written By Sandra Miranda, ND The answer is simple – NO!!!  But unfortunately, this remains the conventional medical mindset.  Our cultural negativity surrounding menopause leads us to think of this new stage in our lives as a hormonal deficiency disease and not as a...
Are Your Hormones Driving You Crazy?

Are Your Hormones Driving You Crazy?

Almost everyone over the age of 40 (and sometimes even 30) begin to experience symptoms of hormonal imbalances.  This can be due to environmental or dietary toxins or from stress and unhealthy lifestyles. Excess or deficiencies of different hormones can cause health...