Healthy Cookies for Christmas

Healthy Cookies for Christmas

Written by Dr. Sandra Miranda, ND Let’s face it we all want to enjoy our holiday season but at the time we want to make sure that we don’t go off track with our healthy program. Here are a few tips to keep in mind if you are trying to convert your old recipes to...
Wild Rice and Lentil Salad with Orange Vinaigrette

Wild Rice and Lentil Salad with Orange Vinaigrette

Ingredients: 2 cups (500 mls) cooked wild rice 1 cup (250 mls) of cooked lentils 1 bulb of fennel, diced 2 green onions, chopped 1 cup (250 mls) of dried berries or blueberries 2 tbsp of hemp hearts Vinaigrette: Zest of 2 oranges ¼ cup (60 mls) orange juice, freshly...


INSTEAD OF USING 1 EGG: 2 tbsp water + 1 tbsp of oil + 2 tbsp of baking powder1 tbsp ground flax seeds simmered in 3 tbsp of water2 tbsp water + 2 tbsp baking powder¼ cup of tofu1 egg white = dissolve 1 tbsp plain unflavoured gelatin in 1 tbsp water. Whip, chill and...
The Perfect Pasta For Gut Health

The Perfect Pasta For Gut Health

Written by: Florence Caie,CNP Holistic Nutritionist, Live Blood Cell Analyst and Colonic Hydrotherapist This nutritious healing salad is made with chickpea and lentil pasta spirals. An excellent pasta for gut health, this pasta is not only gluten free, but it is...