Top 6 Foods That Support Thyroid Health

Top 6 Foods That Support Thyroid Health

Written by Dr. Sandra Miranda, ND Many people with an under-active thyroid struggle to absorb enough nutrients from their food, so therefore many of the foods listed below contain large quantities of vitamins and minerals to help correct nutritional deficiencies. Many...
Are You Low In Zinc?

Are You Low In Zinc?

Written by Dr Sandra Miranda, ND Have you ever suffered from acne, eczema or dermatitis, low energy, frequent colds and flu, and a decreased ability to smell and taste?  Did you know that you could be suffering from a deficiency of zinc?   Zinc is one of our most...
Raising Your Health Standards In The New Year

Raising Your Health Standards In The New Year

The New Year is upon us.  How many New Year’s resolutions did you have this time? How many times have you told yourself what you “should” do? I should lose weight. I should stop eating sugar I should drink more water But if you still haven’t done so it is because you...