It’s Flu Season

It’s Flu Season

Written by Dr. Sandra Miranda, ND Wow, there are so many bugs going around today and quite honestly some seem worse than covid itself.  I personally am recovering from one as we speak.  So, I’ve seen this meme circulating on the social media channels over...
Sugar is Scarier than Ghosts

Sugar is Scarier than Ghosts

Written by Dr. Sandra Miranda, ND It is Halloween season and everyone is decorating their homes with ghosts and zombies and spider webs. I personally thought of decorating with candies, candy bars and cookies….why, because sugar is scarier than ghosts! The sugar count...
Top 5 Tips To Help With Sugar Cravings

Top 5 Tips To Help With Sugar Cravings

Written by Dr. Sandra Miranda, ND Sugar is the number one craving in our society.  There is a big difference between just liking sweets and craving sweets, and if you are one of them, you know what I mean!!  If you are hooked, then it can be hard to stop but...
Raising Your Health Standards In The New Year

Raising Your Health Standards In The New Year

The New Year is upon us.  How many New Year’s resolutions did you have this time? How many times have you told yourself what you “should” do? I should lose weight. I should stop eating sugar I should drink more water But if you still haven’t done so it is because you...