Have You Been Overindulging this Summer?

Have You Been Overindulging this Summer?

Written by Dr. Sandra Miranda, ND   Many of us have been overindulging this summer with either high sugary foods, carbohydrates or even some wine.   Unfortunately, these unhealthy choices can feed a yeast called Candida that we all have in our digestive tracts. ...
Do You Know How Your Digestion is Doing?

Do You Know How Your Digestion is Doing?

By Susan Colacicco- Nutritionist The digestion system plays a huge role in how the rest of our body functions.  Our digestive system is important for breaking down food into nutrients, which our body will use for energy and healing.  After all, our digestive...
Does Your Health Scare You Sometimes?

Does Your Health Scare You Sometimes?

Many people get accused of being hypochondriacs.  Are they really being hypochondriacs or are they just paying attention?  Recurrent symptoms such as fatigue, aches and pain, skin irritation, or headaches may just be our bodies’ way of telling us that there is...