Are You Losing Your Hair?

Are You Losing Your Hair?

Written by Dr Sandra Miranda, ND  “After I lost 65% of my hair, I got on the internet to find out more about what was going on.  This is when I found out that this was not normal and it was not part of aging and that I could have a hormonal imbalance.” ...
Top 3 Nutrients For Optimal Thyroid Health

Top 3 Nutrients For Optimal Thyroid Health

By Dr. Sandra Miranda, ND Every cell in your body depends on your thyroid’s ability to produce the right hormones.  Conventional medicine has a very simplistic way of looking at thyroid health. Medical doctors usually only test one thyroid hormone called TSH.  30% of...
Top 6 Foods That Support Thyroid Health

Top 6 Foods That Support Thyroid Health

Written by Dr. Sandra Miranda, ND Many people with an under-active thyroid struggle to absorb enough nutrients from their food, so therefore many of the foods listed below contain large quantities of vitamins and minerals to help correct nutritional deficiencies. Many...
What You May Not Know About Your Thyroid!

What You May Not Know About Your Thyroid!

Written by Dr. Sandra Miranda, ND Think of your thyroid as a car engine that sets the pace at which your body functions.  Unfortunately, it is probably one of the organs most misunderstood and under-treated by conventional medicine.  There are so many women who have...